An artist can use the widgets (tools) provided by ReverbNation to pep up and boost his/her own website, Myspace page and postings on message boards in virtually the snap of a finger with seamless integration. They even offer ways to make money by doing nothing but promoting ones own material. When people click through your page, you make money. I know it sounds too good to be true but within 24 hours of signing up for that option I made 63 cents from doing absolutely nothing. That’s residual income! By adding on a Snocap.com account you can sell your mp3s as well. There is a mailing list tool that rivals that of the likes of expensive services like Constant Contact (which charges like $10/month) for the low cost of FREE dollars. You can import your current email list flawlessly and the spam buster policy is fantastic! The media players load instantly (unlike Myspace which can take forever) and you can make custom "tunepaks" with the songs you desire to lure people in from your monthly newsletter. You have the option of using html to spice up your profile and upload unlimited pics and songs. There’s even a widget for your show announcements that has a map built in with full zoom features.
Success is only limited to your creativity and it’s free and all you need to do is take advantage of it with ReverbNation.
And don't forget the Reverbnation player that people can put on their Facebook pages.
This is great information! We'll spread the word!
PS - we hope you don't mind that we've added your blog to our blog-roll!
All of the enthusiasm of ReverbNation is GREAT to hear
Reverb does exactly what the comments are saying and a lot more. The only thing it doesn't do is allow you to collect emails from your iphone, which should be coming in the near future. It's an assential tool for every artist and goes beyond making residual income. The higher your equity score the more opps you get for bigger deals through partnerships.
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